The Display and Control Panel
Large-screen LCD can be displayed simultaneously:
-Measured values (digital and analog display)
-Analyzer status
The contrast of the LCD display can be adjusted by using the menu operation
Persistent LED backlight is shown
Scrubable membrane keyboard with 5 soft keys
Configuration, function testing, and calibration through the menu operation
The User Help is displayed in text
Can graphically display the concentration trend chart; the time interval can be set
The operation software uses 2 languages: German / English, English / Spanish
Language, French / English, Spanish / English, Italian / English
Input and output
Each measured component has a simulated output
Two programmable analog quantity inputs, e. g., for correcting cross-drying
Disturb or process the external pressure sensor signal
Six arbitrarily configurable binary inputs, for example: for range
Switching theory
Six arbitrarily configured relay outputs, e. g., for failure
Display, maintenance request, over-limit alarm, external solenoid valve
The extension has eight binary inputs and eight relay outputs available
Automatic calibration of up to four tenders (optional)
RS 485 (attached to the back; 19 " unit is also attached to the front panel
at the back)
Adapter connected to the TCP / IP Ethernet
The AK interface is suitable for the expansion function of the automobile manufacturing industry
Converter for RS 232, i..
Access to the network via the PROFIBUS-DP / -PA interface
The SIPROM GA software used as a service and maintenance tool