GPS Receiver   GP-170
  • GPS Receiver   GP-170
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GPS Receiver GP-170


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Item NO.: V001134 MOQ: 0
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GPS Receiver - Brand: FURUNO, Model: GP-170 (type approaved)

Delivery date: in stock


The GPS receiver integrates * strong noise suppression function, realizes anti-interference function and multi-path suppression * * tolerance, and requires antenna unit gpa-020s or gpa-021s
Improve and enhance accuracy using SBAS (satellite based enhancement system) and DGPS (requires optional DGPS radio beacon receiver and antenna unit gpa-021s)
Meet IMO MSC 114 (73) and IEC 61108-4: performance test standard for DGPS radio beacon receiver
10Hz position * new rate (every 0.1 second * new position) to achieve stable position tracking of the ship
The front panel is equipped with USB interface
Route data, menu setting and user setting can be input and output through USB flash memory.
The waypoint, route and other data set by the user on one device can be shared with another device for backup.
BAM (bridge alarm management) preparation
Meet IMO MSC 302 (87) specification requirements for alarm and internal interconnection.
The equipped network interface meets the newly mandatory Ethernet communication standard iec61162-450 and can be effectively connected to the network integration bridge system.
Gp-170 compatible with light network (iec61162-450)
5.7-inch color LCD (640x480 pixels) displays data
Simple operation menu
The operator can navigate through the menu tree, press the cursor wheel or click the number selection of the corresponding menu item on the numeric keyboard to enter the menu.
Enhance route planning and management functions:
The full range of navigation information will be integrated into the route
A streamlined route can be created by cooperating with an external computer
It can transmit route information to electronic chart to supplement the ability of route monitoring

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