Honeywell XCD Online Fixed Oxygen Gas Tester Probe SPXCDXSO1SS
  • Honeywell XCD Online Fixed Oxygen Gas Tester Probe SPXCDXSO1SS
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Honeywell XCD Online Fixed Oxygen Gas Tester Probe SPXCDXSO1SS


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Item NO.: V000627 MOQ: 0
Weight:    3kgs
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Gas name Gas range The incremental default range receives the calibrated gas concentration
oxygen 25.0%ol only na 25.0%Vol 20.9%NoHfixed|
Hydrogen oxide 10.0 to 100.0ppm 1ppm 50ppm 30 to 70%range
carbon monoxide 100 to 1000ppm 100ppm 500ppm 30 to 70%range
(Tisy value 50%)
Hydrogen oxide 1,0C0ppm only n'a 1,000ppm
Argon dioxide 10 to 50ppm 5ppm 1Oppm
Methane (catalytic combustion 20,0 to 100.0%LEL 10%LEL 100.0%LEL
Methane (infrared) 20,0 to 100.0%LEL 10%LEL 100.0%LEL
Propane (infrared) 20,0 to 100.0%LEL 10%LEL 100.0%LEL
Carbon dioxide (infrared) 2.00%Vol only na 2.00%Vol 0.8 to 1.2%Vol
Note: The above product lake characteristics are the result of toilet inspection in an environment with a temperature of 20'C ~ 25 °℃ and a humidity of 50%RH.For calibration, check with the calibration cap and recommended flow, if using a weather shield and a Sensepoint legacy sensing saw at xcD RTD The dysentery response rate will slow down in the low wet environment.All these are only for their typical values.For detailed data, please contact Honeywell Analyics Company directly.
Gas name Gas range resolution ratio Default range Caliof gas concentration is recommended
15ppm only
50ppm only
0.1 15.0ppm 10ppm
0.1 50.0ppm 20ppm
helium 50ppm only
100ppm only
1000ppm only
0.1 50.0ppm 25ppm
o.1 100ppm 50ppm
1 1000ppm 500ppm
chlorine 5ppm only
15ppm only
0.01 5.00ppm 3ppm
0.1 15.0ppm 10ppm
nitrogen dioxide 10ppm only 0.1 10.0ppm 5ppm
nitric oxide 100ppm only 0.1 100.Oppm 50ppm

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